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[HTML: The problem with tables] 25/11/97
Not a trick but rather an advice on treating TABLEs. If you use tables in your HTML documents, you should read this, because otherwise your pages might be a nuisance to surfers!
[JavaScript: How do I check browser version?] 25/11/97
Well, by using JavaScript, of course. And it's very easy to do.
[JavaScript: Can I load a specific HTML for a specific browser on start-up?] 25/11/97
The answer is yes. You just have to add a very simple JavaScript procedure and you can load a specific document for a specific JavaScript or browser version.
[JavaScript: What is a "Correct" Scripting?] 25/11/97
If you use events, as onMouseOver, you should use envelope procedures to make sure that your pages are backward compatible.
[HTML: Frame headache] 10/12/97
This small document tells you (1) how frame scroll bars work, what is the problem with scroll bars and (2) which attributes you have to use to make sure there is no gap between the frames.
[HTML: Table bug] 20/01/98
When you use tables in Netscape, chances are you want a degree of precision. However, Netscape implementation of tables is awful. Hence you need a workaround to have a total control. This is a relatively long tutorial and it assumes some good understanding and knowledge of HTML. I am not sure if the bug exists in any other browser and I had no chance to test whether MS IE has the bug. However, if you use tables, you have to read this.
[JavaScript: How do I write messages in browser's status line?] 10/02/98
Status line is the bottom line of your browser window. It is usually used by browser to display the link URLs or other service information. With JavaScript you can use it to display whatever you want. This trick will show you how to change both default status line and active status line.
more tricks are coming soon!
If you want your specific question answered or if you have a trick you want to share with others, drop us a line.