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repfect Drug design
This site has been designed and is being maintained by rD design. Our team currently consists only of two designers plus some freelances who do some work for us from time to time.
If you want us to create a site for you or you would like to work for us, please e-mail us for more information. We are currently working hard on our projects and so ironically do not have time to design a site for rD...
If you were one of the first visitors to our site, you will notice that the site was almost completely re-designed (only SoftReview and Links page did not change, although SoftReview will also be re-designed in the near future). If you are curios and want to see how the site looked like, you can go and access it, it still works.
Finally, just to finish it nicely, the image you see now was created by scanning myself in real-time at 100dpi at 3am after finishing our first project (you can see the light from scanner reflecting from my glasses).
Vlad K. Senna // main design, structure, content
DJ Pulse // additional design, beta testing
Alex Arty // beta testing, consulting
{thanks to everyone who helped us. we won't list you there, because we fear we might miss someone out and that will cause unnecessary grief, panic, chaos and at the end it will all lead to another great dePression. you all know who you are, so we love you very much}