All the names in this story are fictional, so any similarity is just a
result of your imagination. So, imagine hard!
1. By 2000 technological developments finally make it possible to have a full-scale
3D graphics displayed on your WWW page. Virtual Reality is used to sell flats, houses,
open bank accounts, download MicroHard Internet Explorer Zero (version 43 build 12,345 Codename: Space Odyssey beta) which
finally has no bugs in it. 3D Graphics are getting standard for webs.
2. By 2005 every person has a www address.
3. In 2008 MicroHard (the leading software developer) introduces their new low-pay service
called "VirtuaWorld". MicroHard Corp. made a deal with Louvre (the French Museum) to create
an EXACT replica of the museum on the net. Ermitage, British Museum and National Portrait Gallery are
the next likely targets. Madam Tussar museum of wax statues made a similar move after the initial
success of "VirtuaWorld". Madam Tussar official said that this move should not be considered as an
alternative to real thing, rather as an addition. You can "hire" a virtual guide to show you the developments
in Madam Tussar for an extra fee.
4. By 2010 50% of people have an "imaginary" house on InterNet. People got themselves
a tool (UltimatHome 1.0) to create a flat or a house. This house can be accessed by users
all over the planet with the use of global WWW with 3D HTML-compatible extensions (VRML or MicroHard Visual Models). Many users
grouped themselves into districts and even cities. Most notorious project was that of GeoMetropolis (Inc.)
that decided to convert their extremely large base of 8,000,000 subsrcribers into the largest
virtual city in the world. The success was overwhelming.
5. By 2012 the "3D Housing" becomes a standard. An american VR company created a VRNet package
which allows you to navigate through the Virtual Houses as if you were in there.
6. In 2015 Scientists made a breakthrough in neuro-technology. There is now a model of a working
artificial brain.
7. In 2016 MicroHard, the monopolist in software bought and patented the neuro-technology which makes
it possible to create artificial brains. It is rumoured that this technology will be used to make Software Wizards,
which will help people make most of their time with computers.
8. On 24 November 2018 MicroHard's shares go up by a staggering 57.30$ because of introduction of the first Web Wizard, the software package which adds an artificial consultant to your desktop. The artificial consultant, the biggest
neuro-technological break-through up to date works in the following way: When you have any problem with
MicroHard's software (and it's standard Doors18 Multi-tasking OS) you just click a mouse once and the request is automatically sent
to MicroHard's server. There, the information is transferred to the neuro-computer, which can answer 1,000,000 queries
simultaneously! And then the detailed solution is sent back to user. Visually impaired can use the optional "speech data",
which will install a talking wizard. This unusual move to speechless wizard is the result of a research made by MicroHard
and which allegedly (this research was never published) support's the view that people get annoyed by talking wizards (and
this might just be the reason of disastrous sales of Lotuce CleverSuite18).
9. Allegations regarding MicroHard's predatory pricing and other unfair practices were brushed away today by company's CEO, Mr. Bill Yates.
He said that only the fittest should survive in the free-market society and said that they plan to top 22,000,000 units sales
of the WebWizard in the next month. Allegations were made by the competing software developer, Nova, who are most famous for
creating Nova Networks (intra-network solutions) back in the 20th century. The USA government was urged to declare the patent of neuro-technology
unfavourable for the country.
10. In 2024, after 8 years of monopoly in neuro-technology, MicroHard finally gave up the patent. This move was the result of a lengthy
inquiry into MircoHard, which (according to MicroHard) damaged MicroHard Corp. business. The market exploded with the new neuro-technology
applications. MicroHard itself introduced a new robot (called Azimov) who (or that?) can learn how to count and also can learn new languages faster
than humans. The neuro-technology itself is still in early stage of development, though.
11. In 2025 the well-known soft-porn publisher PauseMan introduced the first "Nano-Mate", which is a very sexy 3D rendered girl (a model based on virtual modelling and 3D design techniques using industry-standard HardImage K12) which came to life thanks to neuro-technology.
The demo version of the "NanoMate Lucy" led to a temporary shutdown of some parts of InterNet (London, especially notoriously slow JaneNet, inter-university academic network; some US cities and Moscow to cite a few).
PauseMan anticipates profit increase in excess of 9$ bn.
12. In 2026 UK government decided to launch a new museum awareness campaign as a result of a disastrous attendance figures of 2026. "People prefer
to sit at home and get the same experience. It's cheaper, it's less physical and it's more interesting... you can get a lot of information, play a
game "Spot Leonardo" on-line and more", commented an industry insider yesterday. British Government is opposed to this deterioration but cannot prevent the service to be operating on the
territory of the UK. MicroHard, the owners of "VirtuaMuseum" which includes computer replicas of Louvre, Ermitage and Tate Gallery said that there
is nothing wrong with the trend, people prefer extra information to the real experience and that should not be discouraged.
13. "Notorious 1011", a computer hacker, finally got jailed for life for logging into the MicroHard's server and hacking neuro-computer into sending
all the users message "Get a life, go out." In the case of Notorious it was exactly what he got (but sadly, he cannot go out anymore). MicroHard estimated the damages caused by the hacker at
187$ m.
14. In 2029, after 4 years in development, the PauseMan soft-porn publisher finally releases it's RealSex kit, which gives user a chance to experience a
sexual intercourse close to "the real thing". The "Real Sex" kit comes with a free 20 hours access to their "Nano-Mate" server. There are currently
twenty models to choose from.
15. New survey of the Net shows that people spend now three times more on-line on average than twenty years ago. After the introduction of "on spot" jobs,
which involve an employee getting his task by e-mail and then sending back the result, thus enjoying being at home all the woking day, the number of
people involved in "work-on-spot" schemes grew 2000 times! Now more than 20 million people work via the Net.
16. In 2030 The first "baby" was born on the Net. Neuro-computer is now able to create a huge data-files which contain the exact copy of itself. Thus the
neuro-computer now can exist on ANY fast computer (Sensel Stalidarium 3000 as the minimum) and also further reproduce itself.
17. In 2032 the first neuro-virus was born on the Net, thus ending two years of relative worry-free existence of "neuro-children". A student of California Berkeley university made a destructive neuro-personality, which
aparently laughs when user asks for help and throws abuses when user can't do a task. The so-called (by author) "SatiriWizard" got itself a high exposure when
MicroHard's employee reported an apparent bug in the MicroHard's WebWizard. When the technical consultant finally arrived at place, the paranoid advisor
was telling jokes about MicroHard, verbally abusing the CEO (and also the founder and former CEO, multi-billionaire Bill Yates) and copying the Wizard all over the MicroHard's network. Industry was surprised when
MicroHard in responce employed the student, given that formerly the MicroHard was harsh on hackers.
18. Books, movies and newspaper industry reported huge losses once again, which will result in closures of the most companies. Huge media companies such as Turnof Media
declared that they will discontinue their support for newspaper industry and will specialise mainly in multimedia and net-based areas.
19. In 2038 Microsoft released the GlobalWizard, a huge personality, allegedly with IQ of 344 who will serve as a company's global advisor. Similar advisor is
being developed by manufacturing company HAL. GlobalWizard persuaded company to spend the most of their time creating the new VR software which will
let users "feel the Net".
20. In 2044, the year of "GLOBAL NET SWITCH", the business alliance gave a presentation of a VR Kit (no name yet), which would give users the feel of
reality when accessing the Net. As HAL's representative said: "This is the major development of this century. Disabled people will suddenly feel as if the full members
of society... Imagine... there will be no racial question, because the user might choose any colour skin he/she wants".
21. In 2046 the US government introduces the "Automated Farm System (AFS)" which makes possible to have a farm control without the use of human help. The neuro-computers
are able even to repair themselves. This development was predicted by the Industry which had the similar systems established for the last 14 years. They say that human
is not needed for anything nowadays.
22. In 2067, the whole USA is replicated on-line. Now you can drive, see people, buy a drink... all online. New "1-stopshop" systems introduced, which will deliver
the goods to your house by using special neuro-routines of regenerating goods. This breakthrough was eagerly awaited by many. It now enables neuro-systems to create most
known basic products. Organics still need to be improved though.
23. 2070. In an astonishing report yesterday, the global multimdeia news company "See And N" reported of the project taken by three students of "living on the net". Three
students of MIT university lived inside the net for more than a year, being fed by neuro-delivery computer and looked after by the autonomic process machine. They told
of their experiences yesterday, seeming very happy. The "New life" as it was dubbed has no drugs, crime, hackers, anger and money... is it a socialist dream come true?
24. 2120. 20% of the populations are now permanently on-line. The early predictions of global on-line are now regarded as too optimistic. Police still need to check the streets,
neuro-computers are to be checked at least once a year.
25. 2190. The MicroHard's new campaign featuring a real person, who lives on the streets of a real city filled with crime and racial prejudice got banned this week from the
VR Station5 programme. The Advertisement Board issued the following statement: "There are some aspects of our past lives that have to be left in the past. No one wants to be
reminded of the horrible situations of the pre-"new-life" world. MicroHard's taste is apalling. They have to understand that some values should be put higher than profit."
26. 15 Jan 2193. Stephen Donaldson, the author of a great "Compass" released a new v-Story today, which describes the life of a man who got left-out of the net. As Los Angeles
Trends say: "The best story up to date. A stroke of a genius... I'm glad it cannot be true."
This story first appeared on Route 777 Page in early 1997. Unfortunately, the site was a part of Geocities free network, and got deleted by their staff, because it was thought that it was promoting illegal activities (hacking/virus/phreaking). I don't know whether I should blame it on their stupidity or my power to persuade ;). Later on it was featured at Latvian Dance Music Culture site, reactor along with other stories taken from Route 777 (all in English). The story never received that much exposure, so I decided to reuse it in my @ALT project. I fetched the story from Route 777 (the story was written directly on-line, so I never actually had a copy of it) and re-read it to find and correct misspellings and vagueties. I did a bit of revision, added bits, deleted bits, changed dates, etc. so now you're looking at what is basically Timeline v2. I hope you enjoyed it, I definitely did. Oh, final note - I did not [yet] update the Timeline on other sites, I did not have time. If you want to comment or would like to publish the story on your site, you can contact me directly on
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