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Alt right. Oh, sorry, I must halt misspalt it. @@@. @@, @@@@@ @@ @@@@@ @!

[I thought a short introduction would be useful for this page but when I start writing it all I can type is strange keyboard noise]

/// Just go on / and take a look / for / your [self]. It's very small at the moment, so it will take /you/ ten(=10) min.[utes] (or so) to browse through it [.all]. But (our) a-gents do not(=!=) sleep /,/ they seek and [re]port ///

FACT.base() You can't buy Adobe Photoshop 4 from the Adobe web site ( You can only order an upgrade and you won't find any information on where or how to buy a full PS4 version. Clever marketing.

Brain-Drain-Quiz What should [?] be?
An instance of [?] is a particular [?]. An instance of particular [?] is a plurality. The class of all instances of particular [?] is a plurality of pluralities. And [?] in general is a plurality of pluralities of pluralities. So what is [?]
Send your answer to us and the best guesses (and the right answer) will be published shortly.

"True or False?", game Thus spake Plato. Find statements that you think are not true in this short essay.
Plato was born more than 300 years Before Christ. He was a student of Socrates. Plato in his work, Republic, described an ideal state. The features of the state included infanticide, specially trained soldier class, state education, abolition of families, marriage festivals at which a soldier could choose a woman to sleep with if he shown courage in fight, brothers and sisters could freely make love if wanted to do so, state censorship of plays and melodies. The main aim of Plato's ideal state was absolute good. Plato is thought to be the pioneer of political science.
If you think you know the answers, send them to us and earn yourself a week of fame by appearing at our "Boardofame". Send the most pathetic answer and earn a status of "brainDead".

FACT.base() When you go to and search for "sex", you're offered an index of 69 pictures.

bannerCAP Nowadays you have to look hard to find a record without offensive words. If your child is listening to one of these rare records, report to the police immediately, there’s something wrong with your sibling. He might be planning something really bad.

bannerCAP My brother got some free merchandise from the Nike shop and he also received a large sticker which had their "just do it!" motto written on it. Well, as soon as he sticked it in our toilet, the meaning of the famous motto changed a bit, somehow.

bannerCAP "No Spice Girls" is my humble mission.
P.S. Oh my, my. Everything goes so fast now, this "no spice girls" poster is not funny anymore (presuming it was funny before) now that Spice Girls get not what you call a first class treatment from their fans (I mean fans are supposed to like you!) in Spain. Hey, brainwashed people, welcome to reality. Spice Girls gonna end up where your salt and pepper is (although Salt'n'pepa actually re-invented themselves).

bannerCAP We all know there are extra-terrestrial life forms. They try to infiltrate our planet and then eat us or use us as slaves. But tell me, what is a better way to infiltrate humans than using Internet to do this? We ask you to report any e/t web sites to WiB offices immediately. Check on your neighbour, he can be an ALIEN.

[prose] TimeLine
Brief History of times to come. This sci-fi story gives you a detailed account of things that will lead us to be the computerised society. Read it and then demand computers to be banned. Do not waste time, demand your MP or senator to do something about it. But first... read the story. Just follow the link in brackets: [--->].

bannerCAP You may think that Trent Raznor is the spookiest person in the world (at least this side of the world) with a possible healthy competition from Marylin Manson. But you're wrong! The scarriest thing of all to web designer are not Nine Inch Nails, but rather Nine Inch Tags.

Ok. That's the end. There is nothing more to look at. But you can help this site become the weirdest nd vivid(est) place on the Net. You can do it. I can't do it without your help. Help your country. This is a small step for me to add new tags but a great leap for you (to write something or to create a banner). We need you. There's no escape. Do it. Uchh...

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