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Adobe PhotoShop is the ultimate tool for web designers. PhotoShop is probably the most used professional image creation/manipulation tool out there. But PhotoShop might be extremely difficult to get into. But I am afraid, there is no ultimate web resource to help you learn PhotoShop. There are many good resources, tutorials, tips and free filters. But if you want to learn, you have also to read a proper book, I'm afraid.

If you already have some knowledge of PhotoShop, you might consider the discussions in our professional design section useful.

One of the best resources for any PhotoShop user is a discussion list at LISTSERV@VM.SC.EDU. Just send an e-mail to this address, containing SUBSCRIBE PHOTOSHP and you will be subscribed. The list is invaluable source of any information on PhotoShop, has about 2000 participants, most professional designers and some work for Adobe. When you subscribe, make sure you do not ask stupid questions, best to listen for a while. But if you have a particular question, do ask. These guys will help you, granted you are not asking something pretty obvious, like "how do I create a New Layer"... Simply the best.

If you have some less challenging questions, you can access a less-qualified discussion on IRC, EFNet at #photoshop. Although the general level of people there is pretty low and most are usually just as clueless as you are. If you want to ask a professional question, something on CMYK problems, Lab colors, etc. this channel should be avoided.

ahhh...now the LINKS

Should be good. Quoted often. If it is not quoted all over by the same guy that it.

Andy's Art Attic
"Cool", "teen" graphics. Free stuff like buttons, animated GIFs, Photoshop tips. Although very popular, very graphics-friendly and quite fast, the site somehow lacks in content. Still extremely recognisable, its style has been copied several times by other designers. Tips are for beginners only and colourful graphics makes this site most popular with teenagers (in fact I first heard about it from a teenager).
also there:
Have no slightest idea of what that might be. Will update as soon as I visit it.

http://adscape.com/eyedesign/photoshop/three/ (Photoshop Web Reference)

PhotoShop Web Reference
A web reference site for Adobe PhotoShop 4. Although the reference is still too short to be a substitute for a good PhotoShop book or PhotoShop manual, the design is cool (as is also design for all of their web sites, these guys have web talent, no doubt about it). The authors are actually university students and the most fun part of the guide is "easter eggs", hidden messages and functions in PhotoShop. Tips are too few, but still, the site is not to be missed.
also there:
This is the reference for older PhotoShop 3. Although they withdrew support for this site, it is still accessible.

Adobe Official PhotoShop Tips
Adobe official web site. Adobe official tips. Some tips are extremely good, not for complete beginners but nothing new for seasoned user. Still, take a look. Not updated very often and does not boast hundreds of links, but still a good source of polished advice.
also there:
Some more advice from Adobe.com. A list of all tips pages on Adobe, including non-PhotoShop.

Nick Ustinov's site. A popular source of PhotoShop tips and links recently has been updated and now is better and bigger than before. Many tips, usually on pure (i.e. not using plug-ins) effects, for intermediate/advanced users. Links, plug-in directory, drawing tutorials, also some minor sections on PageMaker and Illustrator. A very good and now also quite big site.

Lynda's Homepage
An authority on several web issues, Lynda is an author of many books, which alas I never read so I cannot comment on her writing skills. The site is not that great in content, more like a promotion of her books plus extra web palette tips. You are better off reading an article on Dithering in webIGN ProfDesign section and then following links there. Gosh, now it sounds like webIGN commercial. But it's true.

PhotoShop Professional Tips & Tricks
Art Lebedev's site. Art Lebedev seems to be a Russian de facto web designer and you might expect a lot of professional tips from him (especially if he named his site in such a way). Nevertheless, the site is not perfect and I think he is far too busy now to update it. There is some original content plus some links, which I believe will be outdated. Original URL, though.
also there:
RIght now the exact URL escapes me, but Art Lebedev also has a page on Illusrator. I think it was another original URL as i/l/l/u/s/t/r/a/t/o/r/ or something.

Photoshop Support Site
A well-known site that has bits on everything. Including tutorials, links, plugins and info on books. Not extremely useful, again, but still, keep it in mind, and go read its tips, if you are "tips-hungry". You never know, you might find something new.

sorrrrrrry, but the following links I have not yet reviewed and hence I just list them in bulk. There are couple more that I wanted to include but lost the URLs. Any help? I don't even know if they all work or not.... as soon as I have time, I will visit them all, promise!

A debt of gratitude I owe to everyone on PHOTOSHP list who posted the URLs, mostly to this guy whose name just escapes me now, but be sure I will include it next time. I actually used most of his list with couple of changes.



http://www.cyberramp.net/~fulton/basics01.html Scanning Techniques

http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7343/ Buttons and other free stuff.



http://jmc.mit.edu/photoshp/ A list of PhotoShop actions

http://www.vmedia.com/vvc/onlcomp/phshpfx/mac_desc/index.htm Mac PhotoShop site.

http://www.magic.ca/~jbachalo/pslinks.html Collection of Photoshop links

http://www.fns.net/~almateus/photos.htm Photoshop sites

http://www.redmond.k12.or.us/opening.htm Photoshop Tips and Tricks

http://www.visi.com/~drozone/" Dr Ozone's Photoshop tutorial, links and freeware images. With the name like this how the site can be bad?

http://www.ultimate-photoshop.com An ultimate list of all web sites.

http://desktopPublishing.com/photoshop.html PhotoShop Paradise : Links to Everything on the Net about PhotoShop. That sounds exciting.

More is coming. I just have to review the links first. Phew.

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